Bars & Bites
Summary table
Energy Cake | Energy Nougat | Energy Bar | Protein Bar | |
Before an intense effort of 1-2 hours. | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❌ |
During intensive exercise of 1-2 hours (endurance/team sport). * | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❌ |
During the more intensive hours of an endurance effort (> 2 hours) where rapid absorption is desired. * | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❌ |
During one of the first and less intensive hours of an endurance effort (> 2 hours) during a multi-day competition, with the aim of limiting muscle breakdown. | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ✔️ |
* During running or during high-intensity moments where there are insufficient opportunities to eat, gels & chews are preferred.
Energy bars are quickly absorbed by the body
An energy bar is also often called a feed bar or a sports bar.
Energy bars such as the ENERGY CAKE, ENERGY NOUGAT and ENERGY BAR consist mainly of carbohydrates (energy) and are also very low in protein, fat and/or fibre. As a result, these sports bars pass the stomach much faster than bars with higher fat, fibre and/or protein content. Fast digestibility also means that the carbohydrates in these bars are absorbed quickly. Moreover, they provide less "filling" and satiety during exercise.
These bars are ideal just before or during the exercise and especially for cyclists. During cycling, you will easily be on the road for more than 2 hours anyway. In addition to a sports drink, it is best to take one or more sports bars with you to prevent hunger pangs. When the intensity during these bike rides increases and/or when eating bars during exercise is often more difficult (during a running or football match), gels & chews are therefore preferable. Also, when you want to stack carbohydrates towards an important race, these bars are preferred because they suppress the feeling of hunger less.
An energy bar for all seasons
Besides a great taste, bars should also be practical to use in all weather conditions. Nothing is more annoying than a melting energy bar during a nice bike ride in summer. This is why all our energy bars have a non-melting coating instead of a yoghurt or chocolate coating. This allows you to easily remove the bars from the packaging even in hot weather. The specific composition means that our energy bars retain their "soft bite" during the winter months, making them easy to chew even under cold conditions. No more breaking your teeth during the winter months!
Protein bars, also suitable as an energy bar?
Protein bars like our PROTEIN BAR are known for their hearty portion of protein (+/-20g). They often contain considerably more fat and fibre than the well-known sports bars, making them especially suitable as a protein-rich snack throughout the day or after exercise. In multi-day competitions, besides performing optimally, you also want to slow down muscle breakdown as much as possible. A protein bar can contribute to this.
Especially during multi-day cycling races, a protein bar is sometimes consumed during the first, often less intensive hours of the race. Ultra-endurance athletes also sometimes consume a protein bar for variation during their efforts. However, this is not recommended for every athlete, as you cannot compare the digestive system of trained athletes (professional) with that of a recreational athlete.